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Sunday, March 2, 2008

PROPHECIES- last times/last days

"You will hear of wars and reports of wars; see that you are not alarmed, for these things must happen, but it will not yet be the end. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be famines and earthquakes from place to place. All these things are the beginnings of the labor pains."

Matthew 24: 6-7

Since before the time of the prophet Daniel there have been warnings about the nature of the final days of the earth. Perhaps the best known of these is from the New Testament:

"When you see the desolating abomination spoken of through Daniel the prophet standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), then those in Judea must flee to the mountains, a person on the housetop must not go down to get things out of his house, a person in the field must not return to get his cloak. Woe to pregnant women and nursing mothers in those days. Pray that your flight not be in winter or on the sabbath, for at that time there will be great tribulation, such has not been seen since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will be." (Matt 24: 15-21)

"Men will surrender to the spirit of the age. They will say that if they had lived in our day, faith would be simple and easy. But in their day, they will say, things are complex; the Church must be brought up to date and made meaningful to the day's problems. When the Church and the world are one, then those days are at hand"

St. Antony the Abbot - Fourth Century

"Falsehood will characterize that class of men who will sit in judgment to pass sentence according to law: between the father and his son, litigations will subsist. The clergy of the holy church will be addicted to pride and injustice. Women will abandon feelings of delicacy, and cohabit with men out of wedlock"

St. Senanus - Sixth Century

"The time is coming when princes and peoples will reject the authority of the Pope. Some countries will prefer their own Church rulers to the Pope. The German Empire will be divided."

Saint Hildegard - Twelfth Century

"In the 20th century there will be wars and fury that will last a long time; whole provinces shall be emptied of their inhabitants, and kingdoms shall be thrown into confusion. In many places the land shall be left untilled, and there shall be great slaughters of the upper class. The right hand of the world shall fear the left, and the north shall prevail over the south."

Saint Hildegard - Twelfth Century

"The pope will change his residence and the Church will not be defended for twenty-five months or more because, during all that time there will be no Pope in Rome...After many tribulations, a Pope shall be elected out of those who survived the persecutions"

Bishop Christianos Ageda - Twelfth Century

"Before the comet comes, many nations, the good excepted, will be scourged by want and famine. The great nation in the ocean that is inhabited by people of different tribes and descent will be devestated by earthquake, storm, and tidal wave. It will be divided and, in great part, submerged. That nation will also have many misfortunes at sea and lose its colonies"

John of Vitiguerro - Thirteenth Century

"The great Monarch and the great Pope will precede Antichrist. The nations will be at war for four years and a great part of the world will be destroyed. The Pope will go over the sea carrying the sign of Redemption on his forehead. The great Monarch will come to restore peace and the Pope will share in the victory."

Abbot Werdin D'Orante - Thirteenth Century

"In the days of peace that are to come after the desolation of revolutions and wars, before the end of the world, the Christians will become so lax in their religion that they will refuse to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, saying 'it is an unnecessary Sacrament'"

St. Vincent Ferrer - Fourteenth Century

"The chastisement will come when carriages go without horses and many accidents fill the world with woe. It will come when thoughts are flying around the earth in the twinkling of an eye, when long tunnels are made for horseless machines, when men can fly in the air and ride under the sea, when ships are wholly made of metal, when fire and water great marvels do, when even the poor can read books, and when many taxes are levied for war."

Mother Shipton - Sixteenth Century

"The fifth period of the Church, which began circa 1520, will end with the arrival of the holy Pope and of the powerful Monarch who is called 'Help From God' because he will restore everything. The fifth period is one of affliction, desolation, humiliation, and poverty for the Church. Jesus Christ will purify His people through cruel wars, famines, plagues, epidemics, and other horrible calamities. He will also afflict and weaken the Latin Church with many heresies. It is a period of defections, calamities and exterminations. Those Christians who survive the sword, plague and famines, will be few on earth."

Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser - Seventeenth Century

"During this period, many men will abuse of the freedom of conscience conceded to them. It is of such men that Jude the Apostle spoke when he said: 'These men blaspheme whatever they do not understand; and they corrupt whatever they know naturally as irrational animals do... They will ridicule Christian simplicity; they will call it folly and nonsense, but they will have the highest regard for advanced knowledge, and for the skill by which the axioms of law, the precepts of morality, the Holy Canons and religious dogmas are clouded by senseless questions and elaborate arguements."

Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser - Seventeenth Century

"These are the evil times, a century full of dangers and calamities. Heresy is everywhere, and the followers of heresy are in power almost everywhere...But God will permit a great evil against His Church: Heretics and tyrants will come suddenly and unexpectedly; they will break into the Church...They will enter Italy and lay Rome waste; they will burn down churches and destroy everything."

Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser - Seventeenth Century

"It was revealed to me that through the intercession of the Mother of God, all heresies will disappear. This victory over heresies has been reserved by Christ for His Blessed Mother...Before the Second Coming of Christ, Mary must, more than ever, shine in mercy, might and grace in order to bring unbelievers into the Catholic Faith."

Venerable Mary of Agreda - Seventeenth Century

"The most Holy Trinity confirmed the desire of my Queen, assuring that God will bless all those who, by their support and help, contribute in the making of the Holy Statue, as well as all those who help spread this devotion (to Our Lady of Good Success) throughout the centuries, making known its origin and these apparitions in the 20th century. This will be a time of great corruption of customs...the sacred sacrament of Holy Orders will be ridiculed, oppressed and despised, for in doing this, one scorns and defiles the Church of God, and even God Himself, represented by His priests. The Demon will try to persecute the Ministers of the Lord in every possible way..."

Sr. Marianne de Jesus Torres - Seventeenth Century

"God will punish the world when men have devised marvelous inventions that will lead them to forgetting God. They will have horseless carriages, and they will fly like birds"

Blessed Rembordt - Eighteenth Century

"Before the war breaks out again, food will be scarce and expensive. There will be little work for the workers, and fathers will hear their children crying for food. There will be earthquakes and signs in the sun. Toward the end, darkness will cover the earth. When everyone believes that peace is assured, when everyone least expects it, the great happening will begin. Revolution will break out in Italy almost at the same time as in France. For some time the Church will be without a Pope.".

The Ecstatic of Tours - Nineteenth Century

"All states will be shaken by war and civil conflict. During a darkness lasting three days the people given to evil ways will perish so that only one-fourth of mankind will survive."

Sr. Mary of Jesus Crucified - Nineteenth Century

"The crisis will come on all of a sudden and the Chastisement will be worldwide." .

Marie-Julie Jahenny - Nineteenth Century

In 1946, just after the end of World War II, Therese Neumann, a German stigmatic and mystic, was asked by an American GI if the United States would ever be destroyed or invaded in a war. Her answer was pointed:

"No, but at the end of this century America will be destroyed economically by a series of natural disasters."

Therese Neumann, German mystic, Twentieth Century

Prophecy of Our Lady of Fatima 1917:

"In the end, my Immaculate Heart shall triumph"

ApparitionsPage up

The Work of God - Apparitions of Our Lady


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